Advice Matters
Petition to protect it

The financial advice profession is crucial for helping Australians make complex financial decisions. The current form of the CSLR levy and the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill threatens the accessibility of quality advice.

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Advice Matters

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Stand Against:
Higher Costs, Reduced Access, More Red Tape

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Bill, introduced in March, unexpectedly alters provisions around advice fee deductions from superannuation funds. Section 99FA of the bill, as currently worded, will likely reduce access to quality financial advice and increase its cost due to additional red tape.

The new provisions under s99FA introduce substantial administrative burdens which may require superannuation funds to rigorously assess the member’s justification for advice payments and the proportionality of fees - forcing trustees to review every advice document. This subjective process duplicates AFSL responsibilities and will increase costs for all members.

Should trustees be compelled to scrutinise every single advice document as per the proposed changes, the additional cost burden - estimated at about $400 per member request - will siphon away hundreds of millions of dollars from Australians’ retirement savings annually.

The Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA), the Financial Services Council (FSC) and The Adviser Association have all called for explicit changes to the provisions in the bill to ensure the regulatory burden on trustees and/or advisers does not increase, which is the opposite of what QAR lead Michelle Levy sought to achieve. Please sign our petition on to ensure the Minister does not dismiss these concerns without amending the bill or explaining the consumer protections these changes supposedly provide.

We call on the parliament to amend the bill to fix s99FA, which adds nothing but confusion, uncertainty, and cost increases for consumers.

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Stand Against:
Unfair Treatment Of Professional Advisers

The Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (CSLR) Levy, unfairly placed on financial advisers, also threatens accessibility of quality advice for Australians and the sustainability of the profession. The CSLR was established to compensate consumers for losses due to financial firm misconduct when firms cannot pay AFCA determinations. We support the intent; however, its implementation is flawed. The levy is applied retrospectively, forcing current advisers to cover past failures, notably those of Dixon Advisory, which failed before the CSLR's establishment.

Forcing advisers (and ultimately their clients) to pay for the misdeeds of a large, failed corporation like Dixon Advisory is unjust and economically unsustainable. The parent company of Dixon Advisory, Evans and Partners, earned over $174 million in revenue last financial year. Yet, new, trusted, and professional advisers are being asked to foot the bill for this corporate failure.

Most financial advisers are small business owners who prioritise their clients' interests. Holding them accountable for the failures of large corporations like Dixon Advisory is unjust and unsustainable. Please sign our petition to let the government know that this retrospective application of the levy contradicts fairness principles and government promises, and the reduction of the government's previously stated commitment to cover the scheme’s initial costs from 12 months to three is alarming.

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Advice Matters